McDonald’s Distinctive Burger Now Bears Its Signature Autograph

EM News Desk
2 Min Read

Since its establishment in 1967, McDonald’s renowned Big Mac has evolved into one of the globe’s most beloved fast-food offerings. Achieving iconic status, the burger even boasts an economic index named in its honor and a dedicated museum chronicling its history.

Despite these notable accolades, there was a conspicuous absence in the Big Mac’s repertoire – an autograph.

To rectify this, McDonald’s Sweden extended an invitation to fans to collectively craft one. A staggering 256,000 enthusiasts submitted their contributions through the chain’s app, receiving a complimentary Big Mac in return. These diverse suggestions have now been amalgamated into a singular, distinctive autograph.

Susanne Wahlberg, brand manager at McDonald’s Sweden, remarked, “Our iconic Big Mac doesn’t need much of an introduction – I think it’s as well-known as McDonald’s itself. It’s fun that so many fans came together to create an autograph for their favorite burger. It turned out great, and I think it will be much appreciated by Big Mac connoisseurs in Sweden and the rest of the world.”

Conceived by Nord DDB, the autograph was facilitated through the utilization of AI algorithms, which synthesized a single signature based on all the submissions. Given the inherent inability of the Big Mac to physically sign, a specially adapted robot, equipped with a 3D-printed hand, performed the actual autograph.

Petter Dixelius, creative director at Nord DDB, reflected, “Normally, it is the fans who ask the star for an autograph. Because as this star is a burger, we must do the opposite. It feels like a given that Big Mac finally has its own autograph and that it is based on the fans’ own handwriting.”

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